Our Mission
Training a new generation of professionals to build the African cities of the future
We believe that the challenge of building sustainable african cities able to offer to the population quality access to essential services will not be achieved without an adequate training of those in charge of the transformation. This is why we have created the largest online learning platform on sustainable urban development in Africa.
The ACL Platform
The African Cities Lab e-learning platform is available in French and English. This initiative funded by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, allows all stakeholders involved in the construction, development and operation in urban areas to access quality education on sustainable urbanization to meet the 2050 challenges of African cities.
The MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are online course, free of charge. Our MOOCs focus on all aspects of urban space planning and are divided into eight themes. They are taught by experts from Africa.
Online training courses
These are in-depth courses, designed for professionals involved in the construction of african cities of today and tomorrow who want to improve their professional practice and expertise.
Hybrid training courses
We offer deep-dive trainings to key decision makers. The courses are made of an eLearning component to gain foundation knowledge, as well as classroom training and field visits to deepen and contextualise knowledge.
Through a series of 4 webinars, the partners of the African Cities Lab, in collaboration with EPFL, are providing insights for the political and scientific dialogue in the run-up to the Cotonou conference in 2023. The objective of these webinars is to discuss the major themes that make up the African digital city and set the framework for the agenda of the Conference. This webinar series will present research, trends, use cases and critical insights on how cities are or could be more effective in harnessing and leveraging digital technologies to promote sustainable development and achieve SDGs.
July 5, 2022
1st webinarIntegration of open data and artificial intelligence in the development of smart cities in Africa.
October 11, 2022
2nd webinarAfrican Cities: What role for the youth?
November 24, 2022
3rd webinarHow to build resilient African Cities in response to climate change?
March 2023
4th webinar -
23 & 24 May 2023
African Cities lab - 2023 SUMMIT
African Cities lab - 2023 SUMMIT
Challenging the current vision of African cities, digital cities are presented as a rational response to future demographic projections. African Cities Lab creates the "African Cities lab - 2023 SUMMIT", a major event that aims to increase the scope and develop synergies between research and entrepreneurship on the African continent. It is all about accelerating digitization of cities and promoting scientific excellence in Africa. The first edition of the Conference will take place in 2023 in Cotonou, Benin.