Dans un continent en constante mutation, les villes africaines sont au centre d’importants enjeux qu’il convient de catalyser au bénéfice de tous, ce qui reste encore un défi. Le premier pas vers cet objectif est la déconstruction des clichés et perceptions erronés concernant ces villes, par une mise en lumière des nombreuses approches et mutations urbaines qui en font battre le coeur.
Our planet will host 80% of the global population living in densely packed cities. According to the OECD,
African cities are expected to house an additional 950 million people by 2050. With cities housing more than
half of the world's population, urban areas will play a critical role to fight against climate change.
By 2050, 35% of the world's population will be young and African, compared to 15% in 2000.
The accelerated urbanisation that Africa has experienced in recent years goes along with an increase
in the youngest part of its population, bringing new challenges to the cities.
Today, 60% of the African population is under the age of 24. This peculiarity of the African continent
is an essential fact to be taken into account in urban planning.
In the era of new technologies, the growth of African cities will not only be sustainable but also smart.
The rapid urban growth represents one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century in Africa.
A new paradigm of urban development is taking place, where intrinsic challenges remain....